Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that develops when your eyes do not produce and maintain enough tears to keep the eye’s surface properly lubricated. The effects can range from minor dryness and discomfort to pain, blurred vision and infections.
Symptoms of dry eye syndrome can vary depending on the severity of the condition but can include:
• Dry, gritty and/or itchy eyes
• Burning or stinging
• Irritation
• Watery eyes
• Blurred vision
• Pain
• Foreign body sensation
Ironically in an effort to fight off extreme dryness, dry eyes can often cause you to produce excessive tears, which is why some people experience watery eyes.
Causes of Dry Eye Disease
Dry eyes can occur naturally as a result of aging or hormonal changes, typically in women who are pregnant, taking oral contraceptives or going through menopause. It can also result from taking certain medications that reduce tear production such as antihistamines, blood pressure medications and antidepressants. Environmental factors can also play a role in drying out the eyes, especially where we live here in San Antonio. Excessive time spent staring at a computer or television screen can also dry out eyes and exacerbate symptoms due to the lack of blinking while staring at our screens.
Individuals that suffer from certain medical conditions such as diabetes or autoimmune diseases are more vulnerable to developing dry eyes. Other causes can be due to eye surgery including LASIK or extended contact lens use.
Treatment for Dry Eyes
There are many treatment options for dry eyes which are highly dependent upon the cause and severity of the condition. Many mild forms of dry eyes can be alleviated using artificial tears or lubricant eye drops to make up for the lack of natural tears usually produced by your eyes. If over-the-counter drops don’t alleviate your symptoms, Dr. Arredondo
might prescribe prescription drops that actually stimulate overall tear production. Since dry eye disease is often related to eyelid inflammation known as meibomianitis, Dr. Arredondo often addresses overall lid hygiene and health to improve dry eye. Finally, punctal plugs might be recommended for severe cases which would be inserted into the tear ducts to reduce the tear drainage in your eyes to keep them from drying out. Dr. Arredondo will continuously work with each of her patients to ensure that their eyes remain healthy and comfortable.