OPTOS Retinal Exam

OPTOS Retinal Exam

Annual eye exams with Dr. Annela Arredondo are vital to maintaining your vision and overall health. During your next comprehensive exam visit to our office, you can experience the benefits of the latest technology in eye care – the optomap®. The optomap® Retinal Exam produces an image that is as unique as you fingerprint and provides us with a wide view to look at the health of your retina. The retina is the part of your eye that captures the image of what you are looking at, similar to film in a camera. With the optomap we can discover any abnormalities or confirm the health of your retina, diagnose any potentially harmful diseases, and if necessary, determine the best course of action.

Many eye problems can develop without you knowing. You may not even notice any changes in your sight until these diseases are very advanced. Diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be seen with a thorough exam of the retina. The early detection of any retinal abnormality is crucial to maintaining your ocular and systemic health because in most cases of eye disease, in the early stages, you will experience no signs or symptoms.

The Optos, also referred to as a laser retinal scan or optomap, is latest technology that can take a photograph of your retina. The Optos is unique because the photo captures 85% of your retina, all without dilating the pupil. Although with the Optos we are able to see most of the retina, a dilated eye exam is always the most thorough way to examine the eye.

The optomap has many advantages:
• It is a simple, non-invasive procedure. In less than a second we can generate a high-resolution, digital, color image of your retina.
• This image becomes a part of your permanent medical record and enables us to see more of your retina, measure aspects of your eye, and magnify some of the finer details.
• We can also track changes in your eye over time by comparing each year’s optomap.
• In addition, you take a more active role in your eye care by reviewing the images with your doctor and learning more about how best to protect your vision.

Please schedule your optomap® Retinal Exam today!

Local optometrist office providing adult and children vision care services for patients from cities, towns, and suburbs near San Antonio, Texas.
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